The Bearit Foundation

Our country needs more good men and that mission starts with children.
A good man provides for his family, is present in his church and community, is loving and caring, and should be tough as nails all the same. A good man has the capacity and will to defend his family and country. A good man protects children and the vulnerable as our Father states in Proverbs 31:8. As Americans, we have a righteous duty to protect and love. To be a good man, you must be able to defend your family, and without a strong foundation and support, you will lose when pressed by evildoers who care not for any law or what is right or wrong. You must train your hands, your body, and your mind to prepare for your loved ones’ defense and your own defense, and you must be in the best physical and mental condition to withstand that test when it comes.

At Bearit Ranch we teach children the skills they need to become strong, successful adults; from fishing, hunting, and sports to loving, praying, and education. We provide a HOME that they never fear they will lose. No child or man should ever feel unloved, left behind, forgotten or hopeless. It is our responsibility to pick up the torch and provide for these children and to end the cycle now by instilling the foundation of the nuclear family to pass on to generations to come.

The Bearit Ranch exists to bring an end to child homelessness.

You must have STRENGTH TO BEAR.

Girogio Kirylo aka Gio

The Bearit Ranch came to light in 2024 when the Henry’s lost their business partner and friend, Gio. Giorgio was a man of God and a hardworking American Hero, formerly serving in multiple wars where he experienced significant trauma. His trauma unfortunately did not start there, the passages he wrote in a journal told a story of a little boy who was lost, abandoned, neglected and abused. The childhood trauma proved to be more life threatening than any adult experience he had. The Henry’s saw Gio as an angel on earth and when he took his own life in 2024 they felt a calling to fight for abandoned children in this world.

A Divine Calling

When the Henrys met Giorgio, a divine calling began to stir within Bryan and Gio. They felt compelled to serve men who were hurting, fragile, and trapped in darkness, to share the gospel, and to affirm the value of being a child of God. This calling extended to bringing hope, restoring the nuclear family, and raising boys to become Godly men who protect their families and stand against the evil in this world. Giorgio named this mission BEARIT. Bearit was formed, and the vision came to life. Through Giorgio, the true purpose of Bearit has been revealed: to start with children—God’s innocent children who walk this earth without the guidance and love of a parent. These children will now have Bearit Ranch to call home.

We are believers

Not only are we believers in God but we are also believers in people. Together, through this ministry, there are so many lives to save, anything is possible. I see a future where no child is left alone, no child is hurting, no child is ignored. Psalms 27:10 says “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will take care of me.” We are called and standing still is unacceptable.

You must have Strength to Bear

Our team is committed to living in a way that reflects God’s character, including love, justice, and stewardship over creation. Understanding that human’s are created in the image of God and that we all carry inherent dignity, value, and worth while honoring our purpose on this earth – to Love one another.

The Rescue

There are over 26,000 homeless children in Oklahoma. The mission is urgent and cannot be postponed. For countless children in your backyard with little to no access to healthcare, the time is NOW. If we don’t act now, who will?

The Challenge

We challenge you to act, pray, serve, and give. May you share your skills and resources with others to meet their needs. May you not ignore the purpose you have here on this earth and may you seek God to guide you.

The Bearit Values

1 Corinthians 13:13

“Three things will last forever- FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE- and the greatest of those is LOVE.”

Ephesians 6:11

“Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the evil tactics of the devil.”

Joshua 1:9

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

James 1:12

“God will bless you, if you do not give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and courageous. Don’t tremble! Don’t be afraid of them! The Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He won’t abandon you or leave you.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

“Pray continually.”

Official Ministry Partners

Pastor Ron and Kelly Woods. Ron and Kelly have a passion to lead the local church in community and global impact.

Pastor Pastor W. A passion for children.

Pastor W. A passion for children.

Pastor Pastor W. A passion for children.